Sunday, January 24, 2010

Various Events

So here are some interesting things that have happened in the last two weeks:

This was something i typed earlier this week but was unable to post because internet was not working-- “No Water!!! We have not had water since last night so no showering for me this morning! We were told this happens from time to time; we were suppose to fill up these buckets that are put in the bathrooms and take a “bucket shower” when this happens…but I forgot to fill my bucket up (a lot of people did). I had been taking 3 showers a day usually because of the humidity and heat. the last few days have actually been pretty pleasant though. Oh well, maybe the other dorm still has water and they’ll let us take showers in their bathrooms…

Last night I went to Labadi Beach; every Wednesday night is reggae night—they had live music right by the water. it was pretty cool; I wish I took pictures. I went there last Sunday too and even though I usually don’t like beaches that much, it was probably my favorite thing I have done here—the water was so refreshing to swim in and the weather was much cooler over there. It’s not exactly beautiful (the water isn’t that clear sparkling blue water, it reminds me more of some beaches on long island like Robert Moses) but it’s really close and nice. We’ve heard that beaches about an hour outside the city though are gorgeous.

Ugh and now my internet doesn’t work! so this message wont be posted until later…”

Anyway, last night all of us at NYU went to a Haiti benefit concert. The music was really great (awesome) and I volunteered there selling t-shirts (not awesome). Again, sorry for not taking pictures!! I promise to finally upload tomorrow (really, i do!).

It's amazing how many obruni's (foreigner's) there are in accra. There were particularily a lot at the concert last night. I guess many college students study abroad in Accra.

Everyone's doing classwork now but i have none to do (hence why i'm blogging). i think other than my history class i won't have a lot of reading to do this semester which is great because of the insane amount of readings i did last semester.

1 comment:

  1. Thats always a relief. You had so much reading last semester- now you have beaches, good people and awesome classes! :)
