Spring Break was exhausting. I don't think i knew exactly what i was getting into. But it was also really fun and i saw a lot. Unfortunately you all will not be able to see half of the fun since my camera broke halfway through the trip (dont worry i had it fixed when I got to Accra, so you will all still see more pictures of Ghana!). I took many pictures with friend's camera too of the later half of the trip too but for now here's the early part of the adventure:
View from Mt. Afajado. This was a difficult hike. Very Steep and not a lot of shade (which I was not expecting). But i still made it to the top of the tallest mountain in Ghana!

This is the town of Liati Wote where my hike began.
This is another intense and difficult hike I did the following day in Likpe Todome to see some caves.
There were a bunch bats in this cave:
If you look closely, you can see the upper falls of Wli falls--the tallest waterfall (allegedly) in Ghana. This was the view from our hotel:
This is how you make palm wine!
More Bats!
This is Mount Gemi. We stayed at a mountain across the valley overlooking it. Very pretty (will show you the view when i get my friends pictures!) We stayed near Biakpa. We had to walk back down into town since no transport passed through our mountain.

So many different butterflies on our walk down!
Aflabo Falls--where my camera broke while my guide was carrying my bag ( didnt realize it was broke until later). As beautiful as Vli--well almost--but very difficult to get to.

Will hopefully be able to show more pictures of me feeding Mona Monkeys bananas, Cape Coast Castle, Green Turtle Lodge (the waves were awesome), and Busua Beach!